list of flora and fauna
​Black Locust
Blue Flag (iris)
Field Bindweed (aka Wild
Morning Glory)
Should you find any mistakes on this site, please bear with me. I am an amateur naturalist.
I invite you to send any corrections or suggestions by clicking HERE to fill out a short questionnaire and feedback form.
All the photographs included ​in this website were taken by myself at Yantacaw Brook Park, with rare exceptions (i.e. the hawk, which I followed to Brookdale Park). At the moment, I don't have photographs of everything I've seen and noted on this website but I plan to add as much as I can, should I have the opportunity. Let's not forget that what is listed here is just the tip of the iceberg of what is actually living in the park.
If you haven't already enjoyed Yantacaw Brook Park, I invite you to visit. The Yantacaw Brook Park Conservancy and Montclair Parks & Public Works have done a wonderful job keeping the park looking its best.
Brown-headed Cowbird
Canada Goose
Admiral (butterfly)
American Painted Lady (butterfly)
Common Buckeye (butterfly)
Great Blue Skimmer (dragonfly)
Greenhead Gnat (aka Horsefly)
Little Glassywing (butterfly)
Monarch (butterfly)
Orange Sulphur (butterfly)
Want to learn more about a bird or flower? Click on a link!
I would like to acknowledge the contributions of my husband and daughter in helping me find some of the creatures in this visual catalog, especially the goldfinches, butterflies and fawn.
I would also like to thank the people involved with the Rutgers University Environmental Steward program. Amy Rowe and Michele Bakacs run the Essex County chapter, which is the one in which I participated at Turtle Back Zoo.
I thank the Yantacaw Brook Park Conservancy for giving me its approval in doing this project and Gray Russell for his support of the Environmental Steward program as well as this project.
Lastly, I'd like to thank the fauna and flora of Yantacaw Brook Park for treating us to the beauty of nature.
Thank you for visiting!
Ivonne Guzman Klink